DUB LAB: KONESKI & theW!ldCitizen @ Letni vrt & Gala hala

JULIJ 2018 gala hala poster A2 WORK

[ Ponedeljek, 30 julij, 2018; 21:00; ] DUB LAB: Koneski

Koneski je mlad dub producent in selektor iz Krškega, ki je pred kratkim pod okriljem novo nastale ljubljanske založbe Massive! izdal svoj prvi EP z naslovom »The Story of Dying Sun«. Uživali bomo v starih dub draguljih, pa tudi domači produkciji.

Vstopnina: do 22h vstop prost, 3 € kasneje

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*v primeru slabega [...]

Permanent link to this article: https://www.galahala.com/arhiv/dub-lab-koneski-letni-vrt-gala-hala/19287/

DUB LAB: KONESKI @ Summer Garden & Gala hala

[ Ponedeljek, 30 julij, 2018; 21:00; ] DUB LAB: Koneski

Konseski is a young producer and selector, who just celebrated his first EP The Story of Dying Sun. On the last Dub Lab of July he will treat us with old dub gems of Slovenian as well as foreign production.

Dubbing is a must!

Entry fee: free until 10pm, 3€ after 10pm

FB event >>

*In case [...]

Permanent link to this article: https://www.galahala.com/arhiv/dub-lab-koneski-summer-garden-gala-hala/19599/