ARTEL (SI) @ Letni vrt


[ Torek, 31 julij, 2018; 21:00; ] Torek, 31.7.2018, ob 21h; Letni vrt

Zadnji dan Julijskega letnega vrta smo rezervirali za domačo skupino ARTEL, ki po lastnih besedah igra električno glasbo mnogoterih zvrsti za telo in duha. Od swinga do punka in spet nazaj skozi jazz rock in reggae. Včasih se vse razspusti v raznobarvni kaos, česar se najbolj veselimo.

Trenutna zasedba:
Phil James [...]

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ARTEL (SI) @ Summer Garden

[ Torek, 31 julij, 2018; 21:00; ] ARTEL (SI)

The last day of July is reserved for a Slovenian band – ARTEL. Artel is playing music of many genres for body & mind, as they themselves describe their work. From swing to punk and from jazz rock to reggae until it reaches the point of multicolored cacophony. And that’s what we are waiting [...]

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