BEAT THIS: Wednesday hangout @ Summer Garden

[ Sreda, 29 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] BEAT THIS: Wednesday hangout

Right surroundings and good company can make a concrete jungle quite magnificent. .čunfa and Shao are going to allure us to cool off with a bouquet of songs of different contemporary derivatives of the beat scene. We will groove through dusty lo-fi instrumentals to greasy bengers. Shaltered garden, ice-cold drinks and loud [...]

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FeKK party: Official afterparty of the Short film festival

[ Petek, 24 avgust, 2018; 22:00; ] FeKK party: Official afterparty of the Short film festival
Dear friends, short film enthusiasts and others!

We kindly invite you to yet another classic party to commemorate the end of this year’s Short film festival. The music will be S I C C, we only expect you to hang out a bit, dance a bit, [...]

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[ Četrtek, 23 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] Nesesari Kakalulu is a Slovenian band of nine instrumentalists that gathered together with the purpose of creating rhytmically orientated music which would enchant listeners with awaking positive vibrations and desire to dance. From the first inspiration of Fela Kuti`s musical legacy which brought members of this band together, band went on to create it`s own [...]

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BEAT THIS: Wednesday hangout @ Summer Garden

[ Sreda, 22 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] BEAT THIS: Wednesday hangout

Right surroundings and good company can make a concrete jungle quite magnificent. .čunfa and Shao are going to allure us to cool off with a bouquet of songs of different contemporary derivatives of the beat scene. We will groove through dusty lo-fi instrumentals to greasy bengers. Shaltered garden, ice-cold drinks and loud [...]

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COVER MANIA @ Summer garden

[ Torek, 21 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] COVER MANIA
Andrej Pervanje (Radio Študent 89,3)

It’s a proper theme night! We will here a wide selection of covers, but no cheesy stuff. We asume that Andrej Pervanje’s selection will cause amazemend, now and then a rised eyebrow, we will listen to songs in exotic tongues – arabic, chinese, japanese, the accent of the night will [...]

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DUB LAB: Ras Levi @ Summer garden

[ Ponedeljek, 20 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] DUB LAB: Ras Levi

Ras Levi became a Rastafarian in the late 80s and from there he started collecting and playing mostly roots and culture music. This is also what you can expect at the Summer garden, where we will enjoy his dreamy reggae selection. Ideal for a warm summer night!

Ras Levi @ Soundcloud >>
Ras [...]

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RAPETEK #140: Pre-bday party @ Gala hala

[ Petek, 31 avgust, 2018; 23:00; ] RAPETEK #140: Pre-party pred septembrsko 15-letnico

Borka (rx:tx, Tetkine radosti)
K’Pow (Big Nose Ent, GOR)

Rapetek septembra gladko praznuje 15 let!

Še prej pa jubilejna 140. ponovitev, ki tako pomeni uverturo v veliko večji praznik, okroglo obletnico edinega dolgoletnega rednega raperskega dogodka pri nas. Avgusta, ko je ležerno moderno in smo še poletno na izi, si bomo na letnem [...]

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TATOVI PODOB @ Letni vrt

[ Četrtek, 30 avgust, 2018; 22:00; ] SINDIKAT ODKLONSKIH ENTITET predstavlja:
tehnoburleska (75 min)

Tatovi podob ne iščejo smisla, temveč užitek. Kajti užitek je hedonistično loščilo, s katerim so premazali vsakdanje predmete in iz njih napravili nekaj izjemnega.

Nastopajoči: Crucial Pink, Mad Jakale, Mathilde Buns, Tristan Bargeld, H.P.D. (hormonal perturbator in decay), Rebellious KITCH Controversy, Ariela, Dee Dee Void
Produkcija: Emanat
Organizacija: Sindikat 2018, Emanat
V [...]

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SUMMER rx:tx GATHERING @ Summer garden & Gala hala

[ Petek, 17 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] SUMMER rx:tx GATHERING
Or the traditional annual beats gathering at Gala hala’s summer garden

We continue as each year so far. The return of a simple summer concept, a bunch of beat heads, a long line of cats, speed skating with half hour long sets of concrete head movement. Schedule of the lineup will be drawn a [...]

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[ Sreda, 29 avgust, 2018; 21:00; ] BEAT THIS: SREDINO ĐUSKANJE


Pa smo. Skoraj! Za nami sta dva meseca beatniških sred na Letnem vrtu in še zadnjič to poletje bomo zađuskali s .čunfo in Shaom. Istrska brata sta nam z umazanimi basi, zaprašenimi lo-fi inštrumentali in hip hop gruvačinami začinila vrsto večerov. Nocoj iz vrtnega ozvočenja iztisneta vse, kar se le da, in [...]

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