Petek, 10 februar, 2023 23:00

Štrom: Major Crush w/ jpeg.love
[DE] & Bianca Intensa [RS/IT]

Gašper Torkar [SLO] (Kamizdat)
Bianca Intensa [RS/IT] (Friday Affair/Fantasìa)
jpeg.love [DE] (Raiders Records)
Fujita Pinnacle [SLO] (Nimaš Izbire)
+visuals by VJ KNNZ x Amor Gavez [SLO] (Nimas Izbire)

Po scenski otvoritvi leta v Gali, začenjamo še Štrom sezono v stilu! Med goste direktno iz line-upa letošnjega CTM festivala prihaja Jpeg.Love, ena izmed ustanoviteljic in vodji mlade, a izjemne underground elektronske založbe Raiders iz Berlina, posvečene sodobnem ghetto tech, umazanem bass in elektro zvoku. Obeta se še ena poslastica – prav tako prvič pri nas tudi Bianca Intensa, djka ki se giblje med Beogradom in Milanom, ter se ponaša z lastnim radijskim showom Friday Affair na italijanskem Radio Statale. Brez domače zasedbe seveda ne gre: tokrat bo plesišče ogreval Gašper Torkar s svojo ritualistično rave selekcijo, večeru pa bo žeblje v krsto zabijal rezident Fujita Pinnacle, sveže doma iz Bristola! Na vizualizacijah zgodovinska kombinacija naše VJ Knnz s posebnim gostom Amor Gavezom. Obeta se neizprosen večer, se ga!!!
After the scenic opener of the year in Gala, we’re also kicking off the Štrom season in style! Coming straight from the line-up of this year’s CTM festival, we’re excited to host Jpeg.Love, one of the founders and heads of Raiders , a young but outstanding underground electronic label from Berlin, dedicated to contemporary ghetto tech, dirty bass and electro sound. We also have another foreign treat coming – Bianca Intensa, likewise a Ljubljana first-timer, is a DJ moving between Belgrade and Milan, and has her own radio show Friday Affair on Italy’s Radio Statale. Of course there’s no shortage of local acts: this time, Gašper Torkar will be warming up the dance floor with his ritualistic rave selection, while the evening will be nailed down by resident Fujita Pinnacle, fresh home from Bristol! The visuals will feature the historic combination of our VJ Knnz with special guest Amor Gavez. Looking forward to this relentless evening, se you soon!!!

Music policy: bass/electro/ghetto/jungle/footwork/UK garage/deconstructed/trance/hardcore

Vstopnina: 10 €

Fb dogodek >>

Permanent link to this article: https://www.galahala.com/arhiv/strom/28122/