Festival migrantskega filma, ki poteka ob svetovnem dnevu beguncev in ga organizirata Slovenska filantropija in Zavod Voluntariat, je ob peti obletnici še bolj drzen. Zamislili smo si svet, kjer ljudje ne odvrnejo pogleda, kjer si ne zatisnejo ušes in ne zaprejo ust ob usodah beguncev in drugih migrantov ter držav in narodov, ki so suvereni in pravnomočni zgolj v srcih. Bodite del tega sveta tudi vi!
Buenos Aires, Daniel Gil Suarez, Španija, 2013, igrani film, 12′, angleški podnapisi.
Kanton Jugoslavija / Kanton Jugoslawien, Nikola Ilić, Švica, 2013, dokumentarni film, 17′, angleški podnapisi.
Družba /A Society, Jens Assur, Švedska, 2013, igrani film, 17′, angleški podnapisi.
Esej o razumevanju begunstva / An Essay Regarding Refugee Understanding, Babak Arzani, Madžarska, 2014, dokumentarni esej, 28′, angleški podnapisi.
Pričetek projekcij ob 22:30
Vstop prost!
The 5th edition of the Festival of Migrant Film will take place from 12th to 20st June 2014. The festival, organized by Slovene Philanthropy and Zavod Voluntariat, will bring numerous film screenings and other cultural events that will shed light upon diverse topics related to migrations, asylum, lives and experiences of migrants and their integration into new social and cultural environments. This year’s selection is again full of insightful and provocative films focused on topics related to migrations, asylum and refugees.
Screenings start at 10.30 p.m.
Free entry