Dub Club: EZ3kiel @ KINO ŠIŠKA; after @ GALA HALA

Petek, 12 junij, 2015 21:00

Društvo Kapa predstavlja:
DUB CLUB: EZ3kiel (Francija)
DJ Podpora: DJ Slak & DJ Selyak

Vrata: 21:00 /DJ Slak & Selyak preddverje
Koncert: 22:00 !
After @ Gala hala: po koncertu

Na transcedentalnih planotah novega albuma LUX se k nam – ponovno! –vrača simbol stilske fuzije in nadžarnskosti – francoska zasedba EZ3kiel! Čuteča mešanica melanholične klasike, drzne industrialne naelektrenosti, post-rockovske grandioznosti in dubovskega transa vas v živo skozi svoje metafizične vizualije, po katerih je skupina znana po celem svetu, popelje v povsem drugo dimenzijo koncertne izkušnje. Kdor jo je že doživel, je ni pozabil!

»Z nastopi v živo želim ustvarjati paralelo svoji sanjski napravi, ki sem jo vedno želel izumiti – napravo, ki bi projecirala hologram daleč v nebo, ta pa bi se raztezal v nepojmljive razsežnosti,« pripoveduje Joan Guillon. »Povezovala bi naravno in nenaravno, organsko in neorgansko na nekakšen mističen, skrivnosten način, k čemur stremi EZ3kiel.«

Po treh nepozabnih koncertih v Gala hali (tudi zaradi nepričakovanega županovega »obiska« na enemu izmed njih) se zaradi obsežne produkcije tokrat selimo v Kino Šiška!

Predprodaja: 20 € + provizija
Na dan koncerta: 25 €
Vstopnice na voljo na Eventim.si, v Gala hali na dogodkih ter v trgovini Madness (Trubarjeva 16; Ljubljana)

AFTER @ Gala hala:
DJ Bakto (GoodFoot/Footwerk; heavy bass musick)
Nova deViator (Kamizdat/Deviant Funk; breakbeat, bass & tech-funk)
DJ Slak & Selyak (Dubzilla; tour de dub)
Vstopnina: 5 €; z vstopnico koncerta vstop prost!

FB event

Društvo Kapa presents:
Dub Club: EZ3kiel (France)

On transcendental planes of their new album LUX, the symbol of stylistic fusion and cross-genre is – yet again! – coming back to our part of the world – the French group EZ3kiel! Sensuous mixture of melancholic classical music, daring industrial charges, post-rock grandiosity and dub trance is surely going to send you straight into an otherworldly concert experience with the help of their metaphysical visuals. Prepare for an unforgettable trip!

“With the live act I am trying to create a parallel to my dream machine, which I’ve always wanted to create – a machine which would project a hologram high into the sky and expand it into something unimaginable,” Joan Guillon says. “It would connect the natural and unnatural, the organic and inorganic in a mystical, anagogic way, and this is what EZ3kiel is all about.”

After three remarkable shows in Gala hala (once due to the unexpected visit from the mayor himself as well) the production is, due to its extensiveness, moving to Kino Šiška!

Early Bird: 18 € (limited release)
Presale: 20 € + commission
On the day of the concert: 25 €
The tickets are available through Eventim.si, at Gala hala’s events and at Madness shop (Trubarjeva 16, Ljubljana)

Zasedba EZ3kiel, ki je ime povzela po Tarantinovem Ezekielu iz kultnega filma Šund (Pulp Fiction), je nastala že daljnega 1992. Kmalu se je razvila v petčlanski kolektiv, skupaj pa sta stopili dve multimedijski sili, ki še danes tvorita del zdajšnjega kvarteta – kitarist in glavni pesmopisec Joan Gullion je skrbel za produkcijo in vzorčenje, občasni basist Yann Nguema pa za vizualno podobo. Skupino zaokrožujeta multiinštrumentalista Stéphane Babiaud, ki je prišel v skupnino leta 2007, ravno v času, ko je nastal megalomanski projekt Naphtaline, ki je poleg mojstrskega sodobnoklasičnega albuma rodil orkester in interaktivni DVD, kjer gledalec postane igralec in tako del ustvarjalnega procesa benda, in Sylvain Joubert, ki postaja član ravno z najnovejšim projektom LUX. Do njega je pripeljala kopica inovativnih zamisli (povezovanje zvočnih del s tehnološkimi inovacijami, znanostjo in matematiko, multimedijske metavsebine …), sodelovanj (z gledališko skupino, simfoniki, nanotehnološkim centrom, celo francosko smučarsko zvezo za zimske olimpijske igre …) in nenehno slo po novem. Ko pride do zasedbine evolucije koncertnih nastopov, gre prej za vsakokratno edinstveno izkušnjo kot za običajno napredovanje in postopno nadgrajevanje. Za EZ3kiel je namreč izdaja albuma šele začetek pravega procesa, ne konec. Prav od tu izvira ta neznanski poudarek na koncertni izkušnji, zaradi česar je bistvo benda celovit performans in interakcija s publiko, ki je vedno dvosmerna. To jih dela bend, ki se ga ne sme zamuditi v živo, bend, ki ne ponuja zgolj samonamenskega koncerta, temveč nepozabno izkušnjo, kar ustvarja z osupljivimi lučmi, reflektorji, zrcali, neonkami, projekcijami, z igro sence in svetlobe, s korelacijo podobe in zvoka. Tokrat zvoka albuma LUX.

LUX je že deseti album skupine EZ3kiel, sledi pa še enemu odmevnemu projektu, imenovanem EZ3kiel Extended, ki je maločlansko skupino spremenil v pravi mali sodobnoglasbeni orkester. LUX je izšel lani pri založbah Kika in kultni Ici d’Ailleur (Yann Tiersen, Matt Elliott, Bästard), še do nedavnega pa je bend izdajal pri Jarring Effects. Album kot projekt onkraj fizične izdaje ponovno združuje glasbeno, odrsko, vizualno, tehnološko in interaktivno raven umetniškega udejstvovanja.

»Stvarjenje novega albuma je potekalo zelo dolgo časa, kljub temu da smo imeli izdajo že začrtano. Potrebovali smo nekaj časa, da smo našli novo, svežo, še nevideno smer, jo popolnoma odkrili in krenili proti njej. Na začetku smo delali vse multimedijske zvrsti povsem ločeno, določili smo le koncept – LUX. Po prvem delovnem procesu smo se dobili in nekoliko prearanžirali za večjo koherenco in odrsko resonanco. Proces je trajal dolgo časa, a na koncu se je, nekoliko romantično in magično, vse usodno poklopilo – album, scenografija, dizajn, vizualije … Vse je padlo v popolnoma sinhron in dih jemajoč mozaik,« sanjavo recitira Guillon. Pustite se zasanjati tudi vi.

EZ3kiel, who named themselves after the Pulp Fiction character played by Quentin Tarantino, was formed way back in 1992. It soon evolved into a five-member collective in what seems like a mosaic of the perfect multimedia forces – the guitarist and songwriter Joan Guillon was responsible for production and sampling, while the occasional bassist Yann Nguema took care of the visual aspects of production. The other members comprise of the multi-instrumentalist Stéphane Babiaud, who became a regular in 2007, when the band’s megalomaniac project Naphtaline was born, (which, aside from the masterful modern classical album, produced a whole orchestra and an interactive DVD, where the viewer becomes an actor and evolves with paintings in sound and visual universe shaped by the group) and Sylvain Joubert, who just became a full-pledged member with EZ3kiel’s newest record LUX. It was a long and eventful road to it, full of innovative conceptions (integrating technological innovations, science and mathematics into sound art, multimedia meta contents …), collaborations (with a theatre group, symphonics, a nanotechnological centre, even with the French Ski Federation for the Winter Olympics …) and a relentless desire for something new. When the talk comes to the evolution of the band’s shows, one cannot say that they evolve and progress as such – each and every show is a totally different and unique experience in itself. These shows are a continuance from their album releases, which are not their goal, but rather a beginning for something bigger. This is where their enourmous emphasis on the live acts comes from – the band is all about the project as a whole, and their performance is a huge part of that. The stress is on their interaction with the public as well, encompassing them into the metaphysical art. All this makes EZ3kiel a band that cannot and should not be missed, because their shows are not self-intended like most, but rather once-in-a-lifetime moments, which are accomplished through trully impressive lightwork, reflectors, mirrors, neon lights, projectors, with the interplay of shadows and lights, with image and sound correlations. This time, with the sound of album LUX.

LUX is the band’s tenth album and comes after another critically-acclaimed project, EZ3kiel Extended, which transformed the few-membered group into a fully-formed modern ensemble. LUX was released last year by Kika and famed Ici d’Ailleur (Yann Tiersen, Matt Elliott, Bästard), while in the past their works were more or less released by Jarring Effects. Their newest album once again goes beyond your convetional physical release and combines musical, stage-based, visual, technological and interactive levels.

“The creative process for the new album took a long time, even though we had a tight schedule and set a release date beforehand. We really needed some time to find something really new, fresh, something completely original, then explore it to its fullest and, finally, realise it. At first we did everything separately; the only thing that every one of us pursued was the concept – LUX. After the first stage of development we got together and went through everything, did some rearranging and then recreated the work for higher coherence and resonance. The process took a long time, but in the end everything somewhat romantically came together, like fate directed us – the album, the scenography, the design, the visuals … Everything just synchronised into a breath-taking entirety,” Guillon dreamily recites. Let yourselves be synchronised with EZ3kiel as well.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.galahala.com/arhiv/ez3kiel-kino-siska/10677/