Sreda, 27 julij, 2022 21:00

ŠKUC KSB predstavlja:

„That slimy evil beat takes me way back to the ‘back room’ club inside all the late 90s superclubs. somewhere away from the main throng there was always a smaller room that played evil techno and electro to all the wrecks and weirdos you’d fled the main part of the club to go hide away. „

Moji srčki ter jetrca, naše že tako degradirane možgane čaka zvočni reset skozi sonično skurjado, ki pred našimi vsega groznega vajenih očmi nariše prizore, ki so directed by Gasper Noé. Zvočni opis postapokaliptične pokrajine, posute z ostanki brutalistične arhitekture. Bizarna glasbena tvorba, ki se nekako hkrati znajde in na techno in na psychedelic rock playlistah.

Skratka, čudn bo.

Music policy: space rock

Vstopnina: 12 €

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